I want to take this opportunity to update everyone on what has happened since our last meeting and also to update those of you who were unable to attend. My (our) goal is to raise awareness of Pro-Life issues including abortion, euthanasia, contraception, and so on.
First, I asked John Geist if he would serve as my "Vice-Chairman" and he accepted. I asked for a volunteer to serve as our Secretary and was fortunate enough to have Laura Pagnia volunteer and accept the position. Finally, I asked Dan Smith to be (for lack of a better term) our "Member-At-Large" and he also accepted. These three will serve as my "sounding board" and recorder. I need all the help I can get and not every one of my hair-brained ideas is a good one. Laura will be keeping the minutes of the meetings and Dan will post them on the Pro-Life Committee website at <http://www.kofcmilledgeville.org/> or through the Sacred Heart Catholic Church website at <http://www.sacredheartmilledgeville.org/pro-life.html>.
I met with Monica Leftwich at the Crossroads Pregnancy Center (CPC) and was given a very thorough tour of the facility. We discussed a number of issues and she commended the Sacred Heart Pro-Life Committee for the outstanding support the Committee had provided. She stated that this group is one of their major supporters.
In April, we have the "Baby Shower" project and Dan Smith is in charge of this. It was recommended that we invite all the members of the Committee and the Congregation to tour the CPC as a group. I spoke with Monica Leftwich and she was more than willing to give us a tour when the facility if normally closed. It was further decided we could do a "Mini Pro-Life March" from the Church to the CPC and pray the Rosary enroute. Those who are unable to walk but still want to take the tour can drive to the facility and meet us there. All this would take place on the day the "Baby Basket" is delivered to CPC. In order to know how many people would like to attend, we will need to have a sign-up sheet. We can set up tables after Masses to accomplish this.
It will be "Baby Bottle Boomerang" time again soon. It will run from Mother's Day (May 11th) thru Father's Day (Jun 15th). Sally and Bob Pratt have again volunteered to run this one. In addition, we have asked the CCD Teachers, Laura Pagnia and Michelle Minshew if they would hand out baby bottles to their students (a la "Pennies From Heaven") in CCD. They agreed and Sally obtained the bottles. In addition, the Big Baby Bottles would be placed in the classrooms so the students could see how much was collected. This went into effect immediately as classes will be over soon.
I met with Father Young and later spoke with Deacon Cesar concerning membership of college students in the Pro-Life Committee. While school will soon be out and we probably won't see any immediate results, both Father and the Deacon were very receptive to the idea.
I passed out some "Baby Feet" pins and asked the members present to wear them wherever possible as a symbol of our Pro-Life stance and as members of the Committee.
We are still looking for ideas for activities in August and September. Laura suggested we have a free showing of a movie titled "October Baby"; this will take care of July but we still have two months that are void. After viewing the movie I asked Father if the Church would fund the purchase, not only did he agree, but he said he would authorize up to $100.00 for additional purchases. I told him that in the future we would like to make this an annual event. We should be able to buy five to six films with the funds allocated.
We are still in need of something for August and September and also something to coincide with "Respect For Life" which is celebrated on October 5th this. At this point all we have are inserts for the Bulletin. So, if anyone knows of a good ideas concerning "Right To Life" issues, please let us know.
Father Young also informed me that he would be willing to rent a bus or van to take Church Members to Atlanta for such events as the "Roe v Wade" march in January or any other such event if we come up with enough interested attendees - they do not have to be committee members.
I contacted Cindy and she has designated all three Masses on October 5th as "Right To Life" Masses.
Dan prepared an announcement for the Bulletin reminding everyone of the Healing Service Mass which is celebrated on the first Saturday of each month. Attendees can receive a Blessing and, if Catholic, can be Anointed with Oil.
The next Pro-Life Committee meeting will be held in the Flannery O'Connor Hall on April 26th at 3:45. That will give us sufficient time to conduct business and be finished in time to attend the 5:00 O'clock Mass.
If you have any questions, ideas or just want to talk, please feel free to contact me at (706) 473-1565. If I don't answer, please leave a message as I do not have service at work but will answer as soon as I am able.
God's Blessings,
Ross Martinez
p.s. I'm sure I forgot something but am pretty sure I captured the majority of issues.
p.p.s. If I left anyone off and you have their email address, please pass this on to them. Thanks
by Chariman Ross Martinez